Natural resources and birth restrictions


Natural resources and birth restrictions

 It is widely known that, while the world's population increases, the demands of natural products or even of factory-made products increase, as well. To my mind, the proposed solution of restricting the birth number per family is quite an inhuman way. 

  To begin with, humans nowdays, regardless their everyday needs, have to satisfy extra demands, which our society pushes them to fulfill. In other words, each human's consumption rate increases. Instantly let's imagine that demands, production and consumption are like links in a chain. Should we break one link, the whole chain will destroy. In our case, in the way that demands increase, massive production must be developed too. Consequently, natural resourses become overused in a process of manufacturing products in a way that the environment gets polluted. 

  Furthermore, having analyzed our data, the question is: "Should we reduce society's demands with a view to limiting harmful for the planet processes by restricting the births?". The answer is no ; not in this way. To be more specific, the authorities, should not impose this restriction because, in an effort to balance the demands-production-consumption cycle, they disturb humans' biological cycle. In practical terms, should they do so and if they decrease the global population using this policy, they may find difficulty in bringing back the old population rate, because the society will get used to this method. What is the result? People getting fewer and fewer. As a consequence, society has now an extra obstacle to overleap: birth deficit. 

  To sum up with, governments have to face the priblems of pollution and decrease of  natural resources not by generating other problems. These phenomenons must be dealt with prudentity.  
