Pushed by my intence desire to inform people about timeliness, to express myself and share my pointviews with other people, I decided to start publishing my e-newspaper which fully reflects my personality and my opinion on certain issues and topics of big confusion in our society.
Striving in the character of this web community, I have to inform you about the meening laying behind the formation of Arbre. First and foremost, our community named after the deepest menning of the TREE which is the english translation of Arbre. More specificaly, a tree, to my mind may symbolize stability, self-improvemennt and mutual offer which are features that characterize a down to the earth human whose ambitions are at least huge.Moreover, the topics discussed in Arbre are: news, personal improvment, education, environmental care e.c.t. Which are all timeless issues which can sharpen readers' mind by pushing them re-analyzing topics, even those which does not affect them personaly but affect their wider home: Earth and the all the creatures who keep it beautiful even if they do it more harm than good sometimes.
To sum up with, having further anylized the humanitarian, social and environmental aspects of Arbre, our team wish you to have fun using our web community.
The editorial team of ''Arbre''
I'm glad of seeing fhat this blog becomes better and better.